Lady Etiquette

What defines a lady?

 I desire to share my thoughts in regards to the notion as I am assured that there are diverse optics going around this subject.

A lady is more than an elegant appearance, more than a chic outfit, more than refined charisma. It's a fuse of all former mentioned.

Per definition, elegance is the quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner. Refinement is cultured elegance in behavior or manner, sophisticated and superior-good taste. Etiquette is the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.

I believe those three values are imperative to contour a lady's profile and below there are some recommendations on how to gain them:

1) Define and outline your values by knowing what you believe and why, still be opened to evaluate it when it's essential.

2) Respect yourself by cultivating a high standard of grace and elegance for yourself, be selective with whom you invest your time and feelings, be choosy with the activities you choose as part of your everyday rituals. Those details shape your profile.

3) Enrich your dignity by doing the things that make you feel good about yourself, help and support the people or causes that you can mend.

4) Speak properly and be well-spoken, ensure you are grammarly correct and avoid using slang terms or abbreviations unless that is a must. Those rules apply in written conversations also.

5) Avoid showing a choleric attitude and obliviate vulgar words from the vocabulary. 

6) Be grateful and show your appreciation daily to God and the people in your life.



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