Vice Free but Vicious

Yes, honey, like it or not, admit it or not, most of us have vices. I am not only referring to the “hardcore”, common ones such as gambling, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, porn, blah-blah. I am also talking about the “innocent” addictions such as social media, excessive shopping, coffee, salt, sugar, fast food, nail-biting, gossiping, complaining, and yes, that yum-yum sexy body oh him or her…

All those bad habits or addictions have weaknesses as a foundation, and some of those weaknesses are moral such as arrogance, greed, envy, anger, lust, or laziness.

Ok, we have vices, what now?

#1. Own it

Yes, admitting it is the first step to cure it.

#2. Replace it

Reinstate a new healthy, good habit to replace the current bad one.

#3. Moderation

Reduce it to a point when it’s no longer dangerous or damaging.

Eventually, be vice free but be vicious... figuratively :)


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