
I wanted to write this post for some time now, and as Easter is celebrated tomorrow, I found the right timing to share my beliefs and how I got to believe what I believe. 

When I was around 18 years old, I asked my own existential questions, interested to know if were we created by a bigger force or we were the result of an unplanned evolution, so I did my own research and thinking.

I thought to myself that flowers don't have a mind of their own and also do not acknowledge or decide for themselves, still, they developed methods for self-protection such as thorns at roses or they have methods to attract insects for pollination as perfume or strong colors. 

Evolution, DNA? Very well, I thought it’s all in the DNA. Now, what if DNA works as software, or more to that, what if DNA really is a “software” that a bigger force placed in everything in order for things to work and develop according to a master blueprint?

Now, something I learned from physics is that planets follow well-determined trajectories. Gravity? Sure. And then I was asking myself what is physics, what is gravity more than the knowledge or the understanding of how things work or how the bigger force made things work?

Coming to understand and explain bits and pieces of how things appeared, developed or function should not be an impediment to recognize the existence of a bigger force.

Makes more sense to ask whether everything appeared as a direct result of a creational act or as the long-term result of a planned evolution and then rule out the "there is no bigger force" theory.

All world’s religions with beliefs in a bigger force, call the bigger force, God and agree over absolute characteristics for portraying: almighty, omnipresent, good, loving, righteous, with the will for people to love and do things out of love for each other.

So, loving each other and doing things from love and with love is what people are responsible for. That also means that each time people hurt the ones around or even themselves, they go against absolute righteousness, and that demands a reward or a punishment according to the work done. 

How can people reconcile with a God who is both absolute love and absolute righteousness? Saying I am sorry? Doing an act of love to erase the previous act that created pain? I believe that as created beings, people do not have anything from themselves to give in return in order to reconcile, as all they have is from God.

So reading about all worlds beliefs I came to find that there is only one belief, in the whole world that that was able to answer the above, and is that one that speaks about the Absolute Love who gave His Only Son to pay our price in front of the Absolute Righteousness for our eternal lives, it’s the belief in Jesus Christ.

Happy Easter!


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