
Showing posts from May, 2021

Lady Etiquette

What defines a lady?  I desire to share my thoughts in regards to the notion as I am assured that there are diverse optics going around this subject. A lady is more than an elegant appearance, more than a chic outfit, more than refined charisma. It's a fuse of all former mentioned. Per definition, elegance is the quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner. R efinement is cultured elegance in behavior or manner, sophisticated and superior-good taste. E tiquette is the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group. I believe those three values are imperative to contour a lady's profile and below there are some  recommendations on how to gain them: 1) Define and outline your values by knowing what you believe and why, still be opened to evaluate it when it's essential. 2) Respect yourself by cultivating a high standard of grace and elegance for yourself, be selective with whom you invest yo...


It takes audacity to remove all coverings,  still, I trust that the only way to stay loyal to your own authentic self is to expose it.  To reveal it, stripped of all influences, masks, roles, "facades" or "shields" that repress it. Not long ago, I used to keep my soul into the obscure and shades while seeking acceptance, as I craved to belong somewhere. I wanted to fit in, but I was deceived by my own fears. To play a role only to fit in somewhere will not supply the feeling of belonging, of association. Why? Because you really do not belong in that place, you simulate the values, beliefs, etc. to be endorsed. The fear of what others might think, or how they would perceive me, felt like a mental prison. It censored my own beliefs and kept me away from doing the things I really felt like doing.  Live your standards and share your principles. Express your true self, your inner values, your deepest beliefs, bring out your creative side and the rest will calibrate.  You...


I wanted to write this post for some time now, and as Easter is celebrated tomorrow, I found the right timing to share my beliefs and how I got to believe what I believe.  When I was around 18 years old, I asked my own existential questions, interested to know if were we created by a bigger force or we were the result of an unplanned evolution, so I did my own research and thinking. I thought to myself that flowers don't have a mind of their own and also do not acknowledge or decide for themselves, still, they developed methods for self-protection such as thorns at roses or they have methods to attract insects for pollination as perfume or strong colors.  Evolution, DNA? Very well, I thought it’s all in the DNA. Now, what if DNA works as software, or more to that, what if DNA really is a “software” that a bigger force placed in everything in order for things to work and develop according to a master blueprint? Now, something I learned from physics is that planets follow well-d...