Lady Etiquette
What defines a lady? I desire to share my thoughts in regards to the notion as I am assured that there are diverse optics going around this subject. A lady is more than an elegant appearance, more than a chic outfit, more than refined charisma. It's a fuse of all former mentioned. Per definition, elegance is the quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner. R efinement is cultured elegance in behavior or manner, sophisticated and superior-good taste. E tiquette is the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group. I believe those three values are imperative to contour a lady's profile and below there are some recommendations on how to gain them: 1) Define and outline your values by knowing what you believe and why, still be opened to evaluate it when it's essential. 2) Respect yourself by cultivating a high standard of grace and elegance for yourself, be selective with whom you invest yo...