Scrambled eggs for breakfast | Expectations vs. Standards

Let's go in with a bit of a definition. 
A standard is a level of quality, a norm, while an expectation is a belief. 
To make it easier to understand, let's exemplify.
My standard for breakfast is for this to include scrambled eggs and my expectation is to find scrambled eggs on each restaurant's morning menu.

Now, my standards will not always be met, also my expectations.
I set my standards and it's up to me to have them met, so if a restaurant will not serve scrambled eggs for breakfast I will look and find one which does.

But when it comes to expectations it's important to know how to set them correctly.
For instance, it would be wrong of me to expect that a vegan restaurant will serve scrambled eggs on their menu so that is why I need to have this expectation only towards the appropriate types of restaurants.

The same approach applies to people, or in relationships.
For instance, one of my standards is to receive loyalty, so I will not expect this from people who have devotion issues.

Below are some tips on how to avoid the unpleasant situations of having expectations towards the wrong people or things:
1)Watch out for the pattern! Set your expectations towards someone based on your previous experience with that particular person, or based on your knowledge of that person's behavior. Someone's comportment is defined by his/ her previous actions and those actions will help you create a picture of what you might expect.
2) Don't think you are the exception! If a person treated others wrong on purpose, you might be next in line. 
3)Always 50 - 50 in relationships! When meeting someone new never give your full trust, go in with 50% to play safe and let them win over the other 50%


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