#nothingtowear: solve the wardrobe drama

I often used to find myself in this situation, where I feel as if I had nothing to wear even if my closet was full of clothes...

Ok... now, what I did to solve this? Well... it's a three steps approach, it's also a great exercise to figure out your own personal style :) 

1. I figured out my moods

As I dress according to my moods, I figured out what are the most predominant moods that I find myself in. Those would be sexy, nostalgic, dominant, and of course... lazy.

2. I figured out the styles that go with my moods

Now, as the next step, I tried to figure out which styles go best with my moods, so I got:

Glam for my seductive sexy mood, a mix of classic and edgy for my dominant disposition, and casual for my lazy moments.

3. I put together representative outfits for those moods

Last but not least, I decided to put together some outfits that I would always love to wear when I feel the way I feel.

So no more wardrobe drama! 


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