Brain on drugs: LUST at first sight

You can almost feel his eyes setting tu cuerpo on fire each time he's looking at you and now you're wondering about the taste of the coffee on his lips as that's what's he's drinking...Wanna wrap yourself around his body and hold him like a phyton... 

The first time you saw him, you exchanged a few words, then your mind clicked and now you hear violins in the background when he speaks random stuff to you :P

Love? Lust?

You fall in lust with what your eyes see and in love with what your heart sees.

I genuinely believe that the expression "love at first sight" should be replaced with "lust at first sight" :)
Why? As in the very beginning, it's the intense physical attraction that hits you with all the feel-good chemicals in your brain, it's not love.

Some studies suggest that in this phase, the brain is much like a brain on drugs. MRI scans illustrate that the same area lights up when an addict gets a fix of cocaine as when a person is experiencing intense physical attraction lust. (Psychology Today).

Love is complex, it might encompass lust but it's a deep feeling of affection that grows with time once you get to know a person and it's about caring for the other person. 

Still, whether it's love or only lust, make sure you make that Art.


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